Tucker, how are you already six?!
When I think back on this past year my best memories are when we have some time alone. Usually these are just short trips to the store where we can talk in the car. I realize how mature and “with it” you’re becoming. You’re understanding more complex concepts and I can explain things to you and really feel like you’re grasping them. It’s nice.
Unfortunately, I’ve been bad about getting you one-on-one. It’s doubly tough when you have a little brother that is obsessed with you. I’ll make more of an effort this year to do our own thing.
You’re starting to read which just throws me for a loop. I remember earlier this year when you started reading random words. It’s hard to describe that feeling… trying to reconcile the fact that this little human is starting to decipher the world and isn’t completely helpless anymore. Not completely 😉
You still love art, ninja class, and puzzles. But you’ve really taken to Legos this year. You’re also really into Pokemon right now and play the Pokemon Snap game on our Nintendo Switch.
You adore school. You’re getting more confident especially in your ability to try new things. I was surprised, for example, that you had no trouble strapping on a pair of rollerblades the other week and giving them a shot for the first time. No fussing, no whining, no begging us to take them off because you were freaking out. You pushed yourself along the patio, holding on to some furniture while giving yourself some positive affirmations. I guess I’m still mentally remembering the “old” Tucker. You’re growing.
There are going to be a lot of changes this year. You know that. We’ve been prepping you. And you seem completely ok with it. You’re adaptable and able to go with the flow which is not something I would have ever expected a couple years back.
I feel I’ve been a bit distant from you this year. Maybe it’s because you’re in school full days. Maybe I’m subconsciously focused more on your brother because I feel like I didn’t bond with him as much as I did with you in the early years. I’m glad I’m recognizing it… I’ll do better.
You make me smile. I love you so much.
Happy six!