The ticket price indicator

Our house cleaner was here yesterday. She’s a young girl without kids, so that means she still has a life, and was talking about her plans to go to the Movement Music Festival in Detroit this weekend. It’s some kind of techno rave festival or something like that (am I sounding old yet?). Apparently she goes every year.

But she was griping about how the ticket prices continue to go up. She said just a few years ago weekend-long tickets were $70. This year they’re $200. Sure enough:

Detroit is becoming hip.

Kaitlin and I took Tucker to a Tiger’s game the other week. We hadn’t really been downtown Detroit since moving here. We were both taken back at how cool it was, and left talking about doing our next date night somewhere in Detroit instead of sticking close to home in the suburbs. We were chatting with some friends in our subdivision and they agreed… they “have a bunch of restaurants downtown” they want to check out. They noted how much it’s changed, saying five years ago you wouldn’t want to step foot down there.

People are clearly wanting to visit, hang out, and spend time in Detroit. In my opinion, it’s only a matter of time before people start willingly move into the city limits. There are a lot of factors at play that I believe will catalyze that sooner than later.