After a couple nights in Mexico City Kaitlin and I headed off on the 3.5 hour journey to San Miguel de Allende. I had created a scene in my head of what this town would be like. Quaint, quiet, authentic and beautiful were the adjectives that dominated my vision.
But as we neared the town, I knew I was wrong. Billboards started popping up for real estate in San Miguel, things to do, etc. My hopes of landing in something similar to the dilapidated (but charming) towns we’d passed along the way were crushed.
Here are some photos from the couple days we were in San Miguel:
I tried to find the words to describe San Miguel while we were there. I compared it to Venice in the sense that it feels like it still has that old world charm but it’s simply been overrun with tourism and lacks any real authenticity below the surface.
San Miguel was definitely touristy but I’d say 80% of the tourists were Mexico natives with the rest being Americans, English, and European.
There really wasn’t much to do there. We walked and saw the town a lot but ultimately it’s dining, shopping, and going out at night. There are some vineyards and hot springs in the area, but we didn’t make it to either. We simply explored and hung out for the two short days we were there.
I don’t see myself likely to go back. I much prefer areas that don’t feel so touristy and where I’m unlikely to see other Americans đŸ™‚
Finding vegan-friendly food was definitely easier in San Miguel than in Mexico City. And while finding someone that speaks English wasn’t exactly common, it wasn’t tough to find establishments that had staff that were fluent.
Ultimately, I can see the appeal of San Miguel but I’d like something more off the beaten path.