The beginning of the end of ageing

I’ve long considered the possibility that I may live forever.

No, not in the metaphorical sense through my children, but literally.

While I nearly have a degree in Biochemistry (three-and-a-half years as a biochem major will do that), I had no scientific reasoning to believe this. I simply understand the pace of technological innovation we’re currently experiencing and the vast potential that machine learning and AI possess.

The logical conclusion, for me at least, will be grossly extended life if not immortality.

And don’t be fooled. It won’t be a light switch moment. Like lockdowns during COVID-19, it’s all about buying time… initially. All we really need to do is extend our lives bit by bit until it’s perpetual.

In fact, I believed this so much that during the earliest days our boys were born I remember looking at them in fascination, thinking “These guys will live forever”. I shared this with Kaitlin who gave me that half eyeroll but, “I know you actually believe what you’re saying” look.

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