Essentialism and a Better Self

I like trends. In fact I’ve started largely focusing my writing on this blog around that entire idea so I can help think through the major trends I see in the world around me. Whether that’s technology, narratives pushed on us by media or society in general, markets and investing, etc.

But the most important trend we should all be paying attention to is ourselves and whether we’re on a trend of becoming better people. It’s always something that’s been in the back of my mind, and I’ve been putting in a lot of work lately to bring it to the front.

I’ve been on a bit of a self improvement journey recently, and I’ll probably speak to that more in the future.

In short, I’ve tried slowing down, simplifying a bit, focusing on what’s most important each day, and giving myself time to breath.

That sounds both simple and nebulous, I know.

It’s easy to nod your head when thinking about doing those things and even easier to pretend you are. But I’ve found to truly be successful in that endeavor it’s actually quite a lot of work.

I’m still somewhere in the middle of that spectrum, but leaning far closer to being successful in it than not. So I’ll be writing more about this topic and classifying it under my “self improvement” category. It’s truly the most valuable thing we can invest in.