My dad popped down to visit last night. He has a day-long conference two miles down the road so he flew down to crash at our place and hang out a bit. He lives about a four to four-and-one-half hour drive north, but it’s only about an hour and ten minute flight. My dad has been flying since, I believe, before he was legally able to drive. As a result, I’ve been around planes my entire life.

I was given the opportunity to get my pilot’s license when I was younger, we all were. But I never really had a burning desire to do it. My mom, sister, and brother all got their license at one point. But my brother and dad are the only two that actively fly today.
I’m not sure why, but I now regret not learning. I think it’s partly because I took it for granted when I was younger, but now I realize what a wasted opportunity it was. I’ve been telling myself over the last couple years that I’d learn to fly, but the timing just isn’t right.
Timing is a funny thing, because the time to do big things never feels right. Maybe it never is. But we lie and tell ourselves that the time will be “right” some day in the future. I hope I take the plunge and make learning to fly a priority in the near future. If not, I fear this might be one of those regrets I take to my grave.