I spent Friday through Sunday evening alone with Tucker and Ryder. I’ve never cared for them around the clock like that, so I wasn’t sure how I’d do.
It was a blast. It was also exhausting.
It helped that we kept busy. We had a birthday party at a farm on Saturday, managed to hit the zoo on Sunday despite the rain, and caught “Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway” at the theatre. In hindsight, I guess we had a very animal themed weekend.
I ended the weekend feeling closer to the boys. It’s funny what an intense 48 hours can do. I also felt some relief in knowing that I can handle playing mom when needed.
The best part is that it wasn’t nearly as difficult of a weekend as I anticipated. Part of that, again, I attribute to just staying busy. But I’ve been reflecting on why else it was relatively easy. A big part, in my opinion, was the fact that there was only one authority figure in the house. It’s not that Kaitlin and I contradict one another, but it does sometimes feel like we’re tripping over each other like two people trying to cook at the same time in a small kitchen.
I can’t say I have a new found respect for what Kaitlin does day in and day out. But that’s simply because I already know how hard it is. I’ve worked from home since before Tucker was born, so I have a front row seat to the trials of being a full-time mom. And while I wouldn’t want to do it full-time, I’m grateful for the past 48 hours and happy to help Kaitlin get an emotional reboot that was badly needed.